Wedded Bliss

So after months of preparation and pretty much thinking of very little else our wedding day finally arrived on the 15 October.  Although people warned me I still can't quite believe that it is now over a week ago since we actually got married and that the day and our honeymoon were all over so fast.

We were so lucky to be blessed with the most amazing weather for mid October in the UK.  By all accounts the weather took a more normal Autumn turn the Monday afterwards.  We had a warm, sunny and dry October day though and for the time of year I could not have wished for anything better.

The day was absolutely perfect and has left us both with many happy memories and funny things to laugh about and share again and again.

As I did promise to share a photo from the day as well here it is.

A day that will stay in my memory for a long time and certainly as one of the happiest days of my life.


  1. Congratulations! I remember it all going past like a blur, too.

  2. Your wedding looks like a dream :) Congratulations

  3. Thank you it certainly was a wonderful day!

  4. Congratulations! Even that building right behind you radiates English charm; it looks like an absolutely beautiful day!

  5. Thank you and yes the village is very typical of the type of English villages often portrayed on TV programmes etc.

    I couldn't have picked a better place to get married.

  6. You made a beautiful bride! I love the English wedding xox

  7. Congratulations, your dress was beautiful :)


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